Results for 'Eduardo Reck Miranda'

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  1.  4
    Informática na educação: perspectivas.Eduardo Vitor Miranda Carrão - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 10 (19):145-151.
    Resumo: A indústria da informação é um dos mais importantes ramos das atividades humanas na civilização moderna, orientando as decisões governamentais, a publicidade, as estratégias das empresas, enfim, abrangendo toda a produção de riqueza e bem estar no mundo atual. Quem hoje pode passar sem informação? Profissionalmente em qualquer atividade, o mais simples homem do campo é atento ao noticiário do seu rádio de pilha para verificar, por exemplo, a previsão do tempo, bem como o mais moderno executivo de uma (...)
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  2. The artificial life route to the origins of music.Eduardo R. Miranda - 1999 - Scientia 10 (1):5-33.
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    Aborto pós-parto e o cuidado do outro em e. Lévinas: impasses éticos?Cássio Eduardo Miranda - 2023 - Aufklärung 10 (1):77-88.
    This essay discusses postpartum abortion from the perspective of E. Lévinas' concepts of alterity and responsibility. It presents a notion of postpartum abortion to then verify if the ethical impasses presented by the theme can be answered in the light of Lévinas.
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    Estresse em professores do ensino médio: manifestação atual do mal-estar docente?Cleyton Costa & Cássio Eduardo Miranda - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 31:190-203.
    Objetivou-se avaliar a vulnerabilidade ao estresse laboral em professores do ensino médio. Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado com 316 professores do ensino médio regular da cidade de Teresina-Piauí. Os dados foram coletados por meio da Escala de Vulnerabilidade ao Estresse no Trabalho - EVENT e um questionário sociodemográfico. Os resultados demonstram que ainda que docentes no geral não apresentem indicativos de vulnerabilidade ao estresse, existe um grupo em estado de vulnerabilidade. Sobre as situações desencadeantes da vulnerabilidade ao estresse há (...)
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    Africanidades brasileiras em Uma escola pública de Salvador - ba: Vamos dialogar com as nossas crianças?Eduardo Oliveira Miranda & Quecia Silva Damascena - 2019 - Odeere 4 (7):180.
    Abordar a lei 10.639/03 no espaço escolar se configura como questão central nesta produção textual. Para tal, apresentamos ao leitor um relato de experiência que ocorreu em uma escola pública, com uma turma de 4° ano do Ensino Fundamental I, precisamente no bairro do Pau Miúdo, Salvador, Bahia. Realizamos uma série de atividades pedagógicas com intencionalidades bem demarcadas em relação aspectos étnicos raciais e, sobretudo, saber o que pensam as crianças acerca destas questões. Para compreender os dados produzidos, recorremos aos (...)
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    Tempo del consumo, consumo del tiempo: bolero y retroutopía.Claire Mercier & Eduardo Álvarez Miranda - 2020 - Perseitas 9:165.
    El presente artículo considera la reactualización nostálgica del bolero en relación con la creación de una comunidad retro-utópica, la que da cuenta de la transformación capitalista del tiempo en mercancía. Lo anterior se realiza por medio de la consideración del grupo chileno La Flor del Recuerdo que retoma las canciones canónicas del género musical. Después de una contextualización del bolero y de su mutabilidad a lo largo del tiempo, se analizará un conjunto de canciones interpretadas por dicho grupo, con el (...)
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    An Institutional Approach to Ethical Human Resource Management Practice: Comparing Brazil, Colombia and the UK.Beatriz Maria Braga, Eduardo de Camargo Oliva, Edson Keyso de Miranda Kubo, Steve McKenna, Julia Richardson & Terry Wales - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (1):57-76.
    The impact of contextual influences on human resource management and management more generally has been the focus of much scholarly interest. However, we still know very little about how context impacts on the practice of ethical HRM specifically. Therefore, drawing on 59 in-depth interviews with HR practitioners in Brazil, Colombia and the UK, this paper theorizes how they perceive the ethical dimensions of their roles within their respective national contexts and how the way they act in relation to them is (...)
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  8.  23
    A paideia de Habermas nas entrelinhas de sua teoria crítica da racionalidade moderna.Diego Augusto Gonçalves Ferreira & Eduardo Soncini Miranda - 2024 - Filosofia E Educação 14 (3):9-30.
    Este artigo busca encontrar na teoria crítica da racionalidade moderna de Jürgen Habermas (1929-) elementos de uma paideia. O primeiro tópico lança o substrato epistemológico sobre a existência das racionalidades estratégica e comunicativa. O segundo, afirma que o desengate entre o sistema e o mundo da vida, e a colonização deste por aquele, causam as patologias modernas e colaboram para a formulação de pedagogias coordenadas pela ação estratégica. O terceiro, propõe que o reacoplamento do sistema ao mundo vivido proporciona que (...)
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    Directed Motor-Auditory EEG Connectivity Is Modulated by Music Tempo.Nicoletta Nicolaou, Asad Malik, Ian Daly, James Weaver, Faustina Hwang, Alexis Kirke, Etienne B. Roesch, Duncan Williams, Eduardo R. Miranda & Slawomir J. Nasuto - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  10.  6
    Itãs bordados na pele: a representação de Iemanjá na construção do corpo-território de Rachel Reis.Marcos Welinton Freitas das Mercês & Eduardo Oliveira Miranda - 2024 - Odeere 9 (2):261-272.
    No contexto da indústria cultural, os mitos e narrativas mitológicas desempenham um papel crucial na construção da identidade visual de muitos artistas. Na trajetória de Rachel Reis, uma cantora e compositora baiana natural de Feira de Santana, é notável a integração dos símbolos e ícones relacionados aos itãs da orixá Iemanjá em sua identidade artística. No ensaio fotográfico produzido especificamente para a revista Glamour em fevereiro de 2024, a artista revela elementos visuais que ajudam a compreender a sua identidade e (...)
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  11. Terapia existencial pra cuerpos fructurados: entrevista a Eduardo Fernández García.María José Miranda Suárez - 2010 - In María G. Navarro, Betty Estévez & Antolín Sánchez Cuervo (eds.), Claves actuales de pensamiento. Madrid: CSIC/Plaza y Valdés.
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    Ana de Miguel, Neoliberalismo sexual. El mito de la libre elección, 3a. ed., Cátedra, Madrid, 2015, 355 pp. [REVIEW]Ana María Miranda Mora - 2017 - Dianoia 62 (78):211-218.
    Resumen: En este artículo reviso la interpretación de Eduardo Nicol de la teoría de la propiedad de Francisco Suárez. Para ello, presento la posición de Suárez acerca de la propiedad y la propiedad privada atendiendo dos cuestiones fundamentales. La primera es si la propiedad y la propiedad privada son derechos; la segunda es si ambos pertenecen a la naturaleza humana o no. Al final, argumento que la lectura de Nicol es insostenible, pues difícilmente puede admitirse que Suárez defendió algún (...)
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  13. Eduardo Abranches de Soveral e Miranda Barbosa.António José de Brito - 2009 - In Maria Celeste Natário, António Braz Teixeira & Renato Epifânio (eds.), Eduardo Abranches de Soveral: o pensador, o filósofo, o humanista. Sintra: Zéfiro Edições.
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    A Fenomenologia olhada por Miranda Barbosa e Eduardo Abranches de Soveral.Pedro M. S. Alves - 2011 - Phainomenon 22-23 (1):197-216.
    In this paper, I present the main traits of the phenomenological thinking of Abranches de Soveral. I start with the work of his master Miranda Barbosa explaining the criticisms he address to the Husserlian phenomenology. I show Soveral’s approach to phenomenology is framed by the conceptions of Barbosa and the problems that, for him, phenomenology cannot answer in an accurate way. In this context, I present the fundamental tenets of Soveral’s rejoinder to his master, showing how phenomenology can be (...)
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  15.  29
    Eduardo SoveralEduardo Soveral: Some Ideas on the “Gnosiology Analysis”.Maria Manuela Brito Martins - 2012 - Cultura:135-142.
    O objectivo deste nosso breve estudo sobre o texto de Eduardo Soveral “Análises gnosiológicas” é o de avaliar a originalidade e o valor da reflexão do professor portuense, no âmbito do pensamento português contemporâneo. Notamos, por um lado, que a sua abordagem gnosiológica é o ponto de partida para uma fundamentação do saber, relativamente às várias áreas disciplinares da filosofia. Por outro, constatamos também que a sua reflexão toma como modelo de especulação filosófica e gnosiológica o seu mestre e (...)
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    LIPARI, CAPRI, PISA, SPINA Luigi Bernabó, Madeleine Cavalier: Topografia di Lipari in età greca e romana . (Meligunìs Lipára, 9.) 2 vols. Parte I (with F. Villard): L'Acropoli . Pp. 265, 132 pls, 47 ills. Parte II: La città bassa . Pp. 421, pls 133–236, 69 ills. Palermo: Publisicula/Regione Siciliana, 1998. Eduardo Federico, Elena Miranda (edd.): Capri antica dalla preistoria alla fine dell'età romana . Pp. 578, ills. Capri: Edizioni La Conchiglia, 1998. L. 110,000. Stefano Bruni: Pisa etrusca: anatomia di una città scomparsa . (Biblioteca di Archeologia, 26.) Pp. viii + 304, 64 pls, 19 ills. Milan: Longanesi, 1998. L. 65,000. ISBN: 88-304-1411-5. Fernando Rebecchi (ed.): Spina e il delta padano. Riflessioni sul catalogo e sulla mostra ferrarese. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi 'Spina: due civiltà a confronto', Ferrara 1994 . (Studia archaeologica, 90.) Pp. 358, ills. Rome: 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 1998. L. 380,000. ISBN: 88-7062-983-X. [REVIEW]David Ridgway - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (01):248-.
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  17. Selective revision.Eduardo L. Fermé & Sven Ove Hansson - 1999 - Studia Logica 63 (3):331-342.
    We introduce a constructive model of selective belief revision in which it is possible to accept only a part of the input information. A selective revision operator ο is defined by the equality K ο α = K * f(α), where * is an AGM revision operator and f a function, typically with the property ⊢ α → f(α). Axiomatic characterizations are provided for three variants of selective revision.
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    Retorno a Bruno Latour. Pensando la teoría del actor red como un espacio urbano.Eduardo Alberto León, Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, Jesús Ayala Colqui, Gonzalo Salas & Jorge Antonio Piedra Rosales - 2024 - Discusiones Filosóficas 25 (44):71-96.
    En este artículo se analiza la teoría del actor-red en relación con la comprensión del universo social en los estudios urbanos, la sociología y la metafísica, con un enfoque particular en el libro París: ciudad Invisible de Latour. Se sostiene que, para evaluar críticamente la contribución de Latour a la comprensión del espacio urbano, es necesario examinar la infraestructura filosófica subyacente en su trabajo. Se argumenta que la teoría actor-red aborda las discontinuidades y heterogeneidades como aspectos fundamentales para entender la (...)
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  19.  4
    Can Revelation Serve as an Underpinning for Anti-Physicalism?Luis-Alberto Miranda-Quiroga - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 1.
    This article offers a critical evaluation of Revelationism, primarily defended by Philip Goff, which asserts that introspection fully reveals the essential nature of phenomenal properties and guarantees exceptional justification of introspective judgments and beliefs. From a different viewpoint, the discussion hinges around two main axes: First, based on the conceptual and propositional nature of revelation, the aim is to refute the allegedly infallibility of Revelationism, highlighting instead its vulnerability to error, confusion, and disagreement. Second, it is argued that Revelation is (...)
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    Diagnosing Institutionalized ‘Distrustworthiness’.Miranda Fricker - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (3):722-742.
    I consider Katherine Hawley's commitment account of interpersonal trustworthiness alongside her sceptical challenge regarding the value of philosophically modelling institutional trustworthiness as distinct from reliability. I argue, pace Hawley's challenge, that there would be significant diagnostic and explanatory loss if we were to content ourselves with ideas of institutional (un)reliability alone; and I offer an illustrative case where institutional unreliability is only the half of it, indicating that when it comes to certain kinds of institutional dysfunction, we do need philosophical (...)
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    Religion, Psychiatry, and "Radical" Epistemic Injustices.Rosa Ritunnano & Ian James Kidd - 2024 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 31 (3):235-238.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Religion, Psychiatry, and “Radical” Epistemic InjusticesRosa Ritunnano, MD (bio) and Ian James Kidd, PhD (bio)Hermeneutical injustice as a concept has evolved since its original formulation by Miranda Fricker (2007). The concept has been taken up in psychiatry, with its moral, epistemic and clinical premium on the interpretation of extremely complex and difficult experiences (Kidd et al., 2022). There are many varieties of hermeneutical injustice with different forms, sources, (...)
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  22. Logic in the 1930s: Type Theory and Model Theory.Georg Schiemer & Erich H. Reck - 2013 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19 (4):433-472.
    In historical discussions of twentieth-century logic, it is typically assumed that model theory emerged within the tradition that adopted first-order logic as the standard framework. Work within the type-theoretic tradition, in the style ofPrincipia Mathematica, tends to be downplayed or ignored in this connection. Indeed, the shift from type theory to first-order logic is sometimes seen as involving a radical break that first made possible the rise of modern model theory. While comparing several early attempts to develop the semantics of (...)
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  23. " Filosofía de la filosofía": un proyecto inacabado de José Gaos.Eduardo Ruiz Jarén - 2009 - A Parte Rei 63:6.
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  24. ¿ La teoría perdida de Aristóteles? La risa como señal de una falta estética.Eduardo Salvador Jauregui - 2012 - Diálogo Filosófico 82 (82):35-54.
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    Semi-Contraction: Axioms and Construction.Eduardo Fermé & Ricardo Rodriguez - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (3):332-345.
    Semi-contraction is a withdrawal operation defined by Fermé in "On the logic of theory change: Contraction without recovery." In this paper we propose: (1) an axiomatic characterization of semi-contraction; (2) an alternative construction for semi-contraction based on semi-saturatable sets, inspired by Levi's saturatable sets; (3) a special kind of semi-contraction that satisfies the Lindström and Rabinowicz interpolation thesis.
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  26. El concepto de tolerancia, de Tomás Moro a Voltaire.Eduardo Bello - 2006 - Res Publica. Murcia 16 (1).
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    Gastrosofía: una historia de la filosofía a través de la gastronomía.Eduardo Infante - 2022 - [Barcelona]: Editorial Rosamerón. Edited by Cristina Macía.
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  28. A Contribution to the Study of Intellectual Disability.Sonia Alberti & Elisabeth da Rocha Miranda - 2007 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 13:21.
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    A Cultura, o Estado e a Educação nos "escritos trágicos" de Nietzsche.Rogério Miranda de Almeida - 2014 - Filosofia E Educação 6 (1):110.
    Estas reflexões têm como objetivo principal mostrar as críticas e os ataques que Nietzsche move contra a civilização contemporânea e, particularmente, contra a civilização alemã das últimas décadas do século XIX. Nas suas invectivas, o filósofo mira principalmente os chamados filisteus da cultura, a ciência e a diversidade de suas especializações, a imprensa e a ingerência do Estado prussiano na educação e na cultura do povo alemão. Ao mesmo tempo, Nietzsche coteja constantemente a civilização alemã, que ele vê como decadente, (...)
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  30.  57
    Critical pedagogy and the praxis of worldly philosophy.Eduardo Duarte - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (1):105–114.
    This essay is a review of Peter McLaren's most recent work, Capitalists and Conquerors: A Critical Pedagogy Against Empire. The essay situates McLaren's work in the philosophical tradition of Marxist Humanism, with reference specifically to Raya Dunayevskaya and Paulo Freire. Despite invoking the work of Dunayevskaya as a foundation for his own project, McLaren does not offer a robust explication of this important thinker, nor of the Hegelian‐Marxist discourse she embraced. Here, as in much of McLaren's work, the reader is (...)
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  31.  23
    Politización del malestar, movilización social y transformación ideológica: el caso “Chile 2011”.Alberto Mayol Miranda & Carla Azócar Rosenkranz - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 30.
    Entre 1990 y 2011 se constituyó una subjetividad que toleró un incremento significativo de malestar sin mayores expresiones políticas del mismo. Una sociedad despolitizada privatizó los problemas públicos y los asumió a nivel individual. En ese marco, el disenso de los ciudadanos con el orden político al cual debían responder, no sólo no tuvo nunca representación institucional, sino que más bien fue la institucionalidad su principal obstáculo. Las instituciones funcionaron como dique de contención del malestar y protegieron así a la (...)
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  32.  66
    Don Ihde bodies in technology.Eduardo Mendieta, Evan Selinger & Don Ihde - 2003 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 20 (1):95–111.
  33.  50
    War the school of space: The space of war and the war for space.Eduardo Mendieta - 2006 - Ethics, Place and Environment 9 (2):207 – 229.
    This essay seeks to show that military strategists have not only been acute philosophers of space but also philosophers of world history. The works of Albert Speer, Friedrich Ratzel, A. T. Mahan, Halford Mackinder, Carl Schmitt, Guilio Duohet, and Harlan K. Ullman are considered in terms of the ways in which space has been militarized, or rather how war spatializes world history. The geography of world history has been the topos of war.
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    Libertad, como derecho Y como poder.Eduardo Garcia Maynez - 1943 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4 (2):146-155.
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  35. La racionalización del sufrimiento: una aproximación epistémica al problema evidencial del mal en el mundo.Rafael Miranda Rojas - 2024 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 7 (2):97-114.
    Hay sufrimiento en el mundo, hay mal en el mundo. Existe evidencia de ambos. No todo sufrimiento parece ser con vistas a un bien mayor. Es decir, parece haber casos de mal gratuito o injustificado. El pasado 2 de febrero del 2024, observamos en Viña del Mar - Chile las trágicas consecuencias de un devastador incendio forestal, probablemente provocado intencionalmente por el ser humano. Ante escenarios de este tipo, el desafío epistémico para quienes creemos en Dios es preguntarnos si este (...)
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    Of bears, frogs, meat, mice and men: complexity of factors affecting skeletal muscle mass and fat.Thea Shavlakadze & Miranda Grounds - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (10):994-1009.
    Extreme loss of skeletal muscle mass (atrophy) occurs in human muscles that are not used. In striking contrast, skeletal muscles do not rapidly waste away in hibernating mammals such as bears, or aestivating frogs, subjected to many months of inactivity and starvation. What factors regulate skeletal muscle mass and what mechanisms protect against muscle atrophy in some species? Severe atrophy also occurs with ageing and there is much clinical interest in reducing such loss of muscle mass and strength (sarcopenia). In (...)
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    What determines the management of anxiety disorders and its improvement?Mirrian Smolders, Miranda Laurant, Anneke van Wamel, Richard Grol & Michel Wensing - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (2):259-265.
  38. Unveiling Human Nature or how Conceptual Analysis can Help Anthropology.Rogelio Miranda Vilchis - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-18.
    My objective in this paper is to demonstrate how conceptual analysis, with a little help from empirical evidence, can help us to coordinate the efforts of the two chief schools of anthropological thought, evolutionary anthropology and sociocultural anthropology, to understand human nature. The marked differences between these two branches of anthropology (especially in their sophisticated forms) tend to block cooperation, impede the consideration of each other’s arguments, and stall the progress of anthropological science. Conceptual analysis is a basic philosophical tool (...)
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    La estética de Georg Simmel en el joven Ortega.Eduardo Gutiérrez Gutiérrez - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (1):91-102.
    This article consists of an analysis of the influence of the Berlin philosopher Georg Simmel on the initial stages of José Ortega y Gasset's philosophy. In this case, we will focus on the influence that Simmel's aesthetics exerted on the young Ortega for the configuration of a theory of the historical evolution of the arts in which some of the strong theses that would characterize his mature thought are revealed. It should be noted that this article is included within a (...)
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    Bridging the gap between analytic and synthetic geometry: Hilbert’s axiomatic approach.Eduardo N. Giovannini - 2016 - Synthese 193 (1):31-70.
    The paper outlines an interpretation of one of the most important and original contributions of David Hilbert’s monograph Foundations of Geometry , namely his internal arithmetization of geometry. It is claimed that Hilbert’s profound interest in the problem of the introduction of numbers into geometry responded to certain epistemological aims and methodological concerns that were fundamental to his early axiomatic investigations into the foundations of elementary geometry. In particular, it is shown that a central concern that motivated Hilbert’s axiomatic investigations (...)
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    Memory traces, phenomenology and the simulationist vs causal theory dispute.Luiz do Valle Miranda - 2024 - Analiza I Egzystencja 65:21-34.
    Filozofia pamięci jest gorącym tematem w kognitywistyce i filozofii umysłu. Niniejsza praca analizuje spór między symulacjami a przyczynową teorią pamięci poprzez badanie poczucia swojskości i jego związku ze śladami pamięciowymi, a dokładniej w jaki sposób zwiększają one płynność rekonstrukcji przeszłych epizodów. Zrozumienie relacji między śladami swojskości i pamięci, a ponadto relacji między pełnoprawną fenomenologią pamięci a poczuciem subiektywnej pewności epizodu, jaki miał miejsce w przeszłości, prowadzi do odmiennej interpretacji rywalizacji między tym, co przyczynowe, a tym, co symulacyjne.
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  42. Servicios y servicios turísticos,¿ intangibles o sincrónicos? Una aproximación teórica con consecuencias prácticas.Eduardo E. Pantano - 2000 - Enfoques 3:00.
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  43. 5 Conferencias.Eduardo Adsuara - 1960 - Valencia,: Jefatura Provincial del Movimiento.
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  44. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia. Elementos para pensar la relación bioética/Fuerzas Militares en Colombia.Eduardo Díaz Amado, Md & D. Ph - 2014 - In Javier Fernández Leal, S. Contreras & Jorge Orlando (eds.), Los retos éticos de las fuerzas militares. Medellín, Colombia: Biblioteca Jurídica Diké.
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    Entre el pensamiento post-metafísico y el post-fundacionalismo. La relación entre lo lógico y lo ético en las actualizaciones contemporáneas de la Filosofía del Derecho de Hegel.Eduardo Assalone - 2019 - Isegoría 61:483-504.
    Hegel’s Philosophy of Right can be analyzed whether independently from the Science of Logic or on the basis of the metaphysical premises developed in the latter work. In the present paper we enumerate different positions about this question, and we classify a number of attempts which were recently carried out in order to actualize the PhR. the differentiation of five levels of analysis of the articulation of the ethical and the logical in the PhR allows us to conclude that both (...)
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  46. Apuntes para una hermenéutica del alma.Eduardo Briancesco - 1999 - Escritos de Filosofía 18 (35):159-176.
  47. Recuerdo unamuniano en esta hora de europeización de España.Eduardo Malvido - 1987 - Verdad y Vida 45 (177):23-30.
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  48. O método fenomenológico.Eduardo S. Abranches de Soveral - 1965 - Porto,:
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    Colonialism and the Sovereignty of Peoples: A Dialogue between Hegel and the French Revolution.Eduardo Baker - 2024 - Hegel Bulletin 45 (2):313-339.
    This article discusses the relation between colonialism and the sovereignty of peoples through a dialogue between Hegel and the thought of the French Revolution. These two sides are relevant to each other not only because of their historical proximity, but also because of the connections that can be established when we approach the topic of colonialism through these two manifestations. Hegel is explicit that his philosophy of history and his philosophy of right are supposed to be philosophies of freedom. Yet (...)
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  50. The Principle of Revelation : Catherine Lupton (2005) Chris Marker: Memories of the Future.Eduardo Abrantes - 2006 - Film-Philosophy 10 (1):1-14.
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